Tuesdays 4.15pm - 5.45pm
Limelight drama gives girls and boys aged 5+ the chance to create characters, help write scripts and perform in our amazing theatre shows.
Our sessions are designed to inspire and capture the imagination of students through drama games, improvisational activities and story telling. The confidence they gain from performing (we avoid grading and exams) has to be seen to be believed. You won’t believe what your little ones can do!
As with all our Limelight classes, sessions are pay as you go, so you’re not penalised if your child is ill or you have an unavoidable clash. As parents, we understand how frustrating it is to pay when not attending, so at Limelight we keep it simple. These weekly classes are 90 minutes long and the cost is £9 per session.
To join Limelight Drama, give James a call on 07988 890317 or email